Inilah lagu yang menjadi puncak karir Iwan Fals. Bersama kelompok Swami,
dia menyanyikan lagu Bento yang liriknya ditulis oleh Naniel. Lagu
Bento menjadi populer secepat kilat. Hingga sekarang dimanapun Iwan Fals
konser, selalu saja ada permintaan untuk menyanyikan lagu Bento ini.
Naniel/Iwan Fals (Album SWAMI I 1989)
Namaku Bento rumah real estate
Mobilku banyak harta berlimpah
Orang memanggilku boss eksekutif
Tokoh papan atas atas segalanya
Wajahku ganteng banyak simpanan
Sekali lirik oke sajalah
Bisnisku menjagal jagal apa saja
Yang penting aku senang aku menang
Persetan orang susah karena aku
Yang penting asyik sekali lagi
Khotbah soal moral omong keadilan
Sarapan pagiku
Aksi tipu tipu lobying dan upeti
Woow jagonya
Maling kelas teri bandit kelas coro
Itu kan TONG sampah
Siapa yang mau berguru datang padaku
Sebut tiga kali namaku Bento Bento Bento
A folk hero to the urban poor in the 1980s, Iwan Fals’ song were widely circulated on cassette and his live concerts attracted huge and sometimes unruly crowds. ‘Bento’, one of his best-protest songs, was co-written with Naniel and first recorded with the group Swami on the album Swami I in 1989.
Bento (Lyric in English)
Naniel/Iwan Fals (Album SWAMI I 1989)
My name is Bento and I’ve got it all
Plenty of cars, a big solid house
People call me the executive boss
Everyone knows I’m the one
I’m handsome as hell, the women adore me
One glance and they’re mine
Trading’s my business, I’ll cut any throat
As long as I’m happy, as long as I win
To hell with the losers who get in my way
As long as I’m happy, once more
Sermons about morality and justice
I have them for breakfast
Deceit, lobbying and graft
I’ll show you how it’s done!
Small-time crooks, street-corner bandits
They know nothing
If you want to get serious,
I’m the one to teach you how
Just say may name three times
Bento, Bento, Bento
Bento sendiri adalah nama rekaan untuk menggambarkan seorang kaya yang
dengan hartanya dia bisa menguasai apa dan siapa saja. Dia suka bicara
moral dan keadilan di mimbar umum, namun dibelakangnya dia adalah penipu
ulung, penyuap dan pemeras. Bento Bento sampai sekarang masih
bergentayangan di negeri ini.
Naniel/Iwan Fals (Album SWAMI I 1989)
Namaku Bento rumah real estate
Mobilku banyak harta berlimpah
Orang memanggilku boss eksekutif
Tokoh papan atas atas segalanya
Wajahku ganteng banyak simpanan
Sekali lirik oke sajalah
Bisnisku menjagal jagal apa saja
Yang penting aku senang aku menang
Persetan orang susah karena aku
Yang penting asyik sekali lagi
Khotbah soal moral omong keadilan
Sarapan pagiku
Aksi tipu tipu lobying dan upeti
Woow jagonya
Maling kelas teri bandit kelas coro
Itu kan TONG sampah
Siapa yang mau berguru datang padaku
Sebut tiga kali namaku Bento Bento Bento
A folk hero to the urban poor in the 1980s, Iwan Fals’ song were widely circulated on cassette and his live concerts attracted huge and sometimes unruly crowds. ‘Bento’, one of his best-protest songs, was co-written with Naniel and first recorded with the group Swami on the album Swami I in 1989.
Bento (Lyric in English)
Naniel/Iwan Fals (Album SWAMI I 1989)
My name is Bento and I’ve got it all
Plenty of cars, a big solid house
People call me the executive boss
Everyone knows I’m the one
I’m handsome as hell, the women adore me
One glance and they’re mine
Trading’s my business, I’ll cut any throat
As long as I’m happy, as long as I win
To hell with the losers who get in my way
As long as I’m happy, once more
Sermons about morality and justice
I have them for breakfast
Deceit, lobbying and graft
I’ll show you how it’s done!
Small-time crooks, street-corner bandits
They know nothing
If you want to get serious,
I’m the one to teach you how
Just say may name three times
Bento, Bento, Bento
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